Converts: The Journey of Becoming Jewish

What about Judaism is so compelling to a person, that they are willing to turn their lives upside down to join the Jewish people?

What about Judaism is so compelling to a person, that they are willing to turn their lives upside down to join the Jewish people? Converts: The Journey of Becoming Jewish follows several non-Jews from around the world as they go through the conversion process. Diana from Costa Rica found out about her Spanish-Portuguese Jewish roots from a high school genealogy project. Adam from Toronto was raised as a Pentecostal Christian but started questioning his beliefs as a teenager. Bianka from Warsaw wanted community and an intellectual approach to spirituality. All of our characters are on a journey of self-discovery and negotiating their relationships with family, friends and significant others.

All are searching for identity and connection. Through following their conversion process, we are vicariously exposed to a range of Jewish ideas and practices. Along the way we get a chance to meet their teachers and guides and the community that they seek to join.